The Narrative Terrains project was founded in 2019 by artist Sarah Pezdek and is based in Upstate, NY. Narrative Terrains aims to work with not only artists, educators and members of the scientific community – but to re-awaken our “native knowledges” by connecting with indigenous land stewards, local communities and peoples to better understand our histories with color, our present ecological struggles and to help foster creative, resilient ecological solutions through sustainable practices that tie us back to the land – nourishing deeper connections to our environment and the care and appreciation of it.
Narrative Terrains is currently run solely by Sarah, with collaborative partners within her local artistic and scientific community – as a project that is rooted deep in the soil and radiates straight from the heart.
Iron is earth. Iron is color. Iron is blood. It runs through everything and everything is interconnected.
Donating to Narrative Terrains allows us to further:
– collect and archive pigments | color stories for artistic and scientific research – creating color profiles from site specific sourced materials, community building and connection, understanding of communal and industrial land practices from sourced pigments sites, and knowledge building and practices around land stewardship
-teach sustainable and responsible foraging methods for color that build a strong appreciation for the land and create a new, intimate element to the creative process
– host workshops for artists, foragers, educators, youth and fellow land stewards on color foraging, processing and the utilization of natural pigments in art and means of creative expression. Your donation will assist in providing workshop opportunities, workshop supplies and educational materials to ensure workshops are brought into marginalized communities to ensure everyone has the opportunity at interacting with our terrain with a new, mindful perspective and that everyone’s story has the chance to be told.
– promoting our work, and expanding our knowledge base and network by attending conferences, and workshops in the scientific community and applying for grants – so resources are shared, verified and used to their upmost potential in helping our planet and its peoples reconnect with the soil and each other.
Your donation is greatly appreciated and will help to continue the narrative … Many thanks and much love.
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